How to draw Pikachu - step-by-step easy drawing master classes in different styles and techniques

Electric pokemon is the most recognizable of the cartoon characters. He is easily remembered due to the positive yellow coloring and cute face. If desired, even a child can draw a funny cartoon character.

There are several techniques that allow you to draw a pikachu easily and simply.


Pikachu drawing on the square

A detailed tutorial will help you figure out how to draw the most popular pokémon. The pikachu drawing for beginners is easy to do step by step. It is necessary to prepare in advance a sheet from a checked notebook, an eraser, a sharpener, a pencil, black paste for an outline:

  1. The work begins with an image of an oval figure in the middle of a sheet of paper. The figure is placed horizontally, making two passes at the top of the outline.
  2. Above the passes you need to draw ears in the form of half a rhombus (or a wide spearhead).
  3. Inside these details duplicate the contour in order to detail the ears. Shading these elements.
  4. Perform processing of the face (eyes, cheeks, mouth), paint the eyes, leaving a small sector as a spotlight.
  5. Under the head depict a semi-oval shape, add limbs and a tail.
  6. Contour around the character with a pen.
  7. Color in black the details, shaded at the preliminary stage of drawing with pencil.
  8. Shade the rest with yellow felt-tip pen, and highlight the cheeks with pink.

The pikachu image is ready.

With the task of coping with the easy, if you follow this sequence of actions.

Working in the style of Minecraft

Draw pikachu easily on the squares on a notebook page will succeed and in the style of Meincraft characters, a characteristic feature of which is the square outline of any details.

Step by step instructions will help cope with this task. Need a sheet of checkered notebook and felt-tip pens:

  1. The first step will be to paint three squares, forming a horizontal stripe, at the top of the sheet. For the work it is necessary to apply a felt-tip pen of brown color.
  2. Below you need to paint two lines of five cells each, then in the bottom row of three more cells in a row. You will get a proportional figure.
  3. Replacing the felt-tip pen with black, on the left side of the resulting figure you must paint three squares in the horizontal row, two squares above them, then three squares column down.
  4. Moving one row of squares to the right, you must paint two more squares down.
  5. Taking a step to the left, repeat the procedure.
  6. Following the same algorithm to draw the right side.
  7. Parts of the figure below connect the line height of one cell. Shading the line.
  8. Muzzle detail, drawing eyes, columns height of two and width of one cell.
  9. Outline of the body begins with two vertical parts of height in two cells each. They are drawn symmetrically, departing from the edge of the head one cell.
  10. Below in the horizontal direction, two cells on both sides of the drawing are shaded, and the image is connected by the lower bar with a width of one cell.
  11. From the edges of the lower bar, draw two more rectangles with two cells, then depict two vertical parts (one on each side) with a height of two and a width of one cell.
  12. Outlines of the tail traced "ladder" on the right side of the schematic image.
  13. Figure painted in a distinctive yellow color. Red rectangles highlight the blush on the cheeks.

Draw the main pokemon in this way without difficulty, even a child.

Funny Pikachu

Having studied some nuances, it is not difficult to depict Pikachu in pencil in the style of the TV project "Detective Pikachu". You will need a sheet of paper, eraser and a pencil. You can paint the resulting image with wax crayons or colored pencils:

  1. In the middle of the sheet you will need to draw an ellipse, placed vertically, slightly extended at the bottom. This is the body of the character.
  2. On top, you need to add the head in the form of a circle, make common outlines for both parts. Remove unnecessary lines at once with an eraser.
  3. It is recommended to place the left ear in the form of an elongated sheet at an angle to the head, the right ear should be drawn vertically.
  4. The pokemon's tail is depicted as a lightning bolt, placed on the right side of the body.
  5. Then begin to detail the muzzle. Cheeks, eyes, two gentle arcs to draw a mouth. It was at this stage, formed a funny character with a special expression of the muzzle.
  6. Pokémon is placed in a sitting position, respectively marked and traced front and back legs.
  7. Removing unnecessary lines, the contour is highlighted a soft pencil or black pencil. Coloring will make the drawing more effective.
  8. Eyes, tip ears stand out black, cheeks rouge pink, and everything else is carefully painted bright yellow.

A beautiful pokemon on a scrapbook page

The creative process can be built on another principle. It is easy to perform a drawing, starting with the face of the cartoon character.

To avoid distractions, it is advisable to have an A4 sheet of paper, a pencil, a sharpener, and an eraser:

  1. Marking the center of the sheet, you will need to go up a little, and depict two small brackets.
  2. Connect them with a curved arc from below. This is the typical smile of the Pokemon.
  3. Just above is drawn spout triangular shape, then the eyes animated character.
  4. Eyes convenient shaded at once, leaving small segments as light reflection.
  5. The next step is to draw the outline of the head. At the top it will be a smooth arc, then the outline of the head smoothly passes into the image of the upper limbs and the character's body.
  6. It is necessary to depict the lower legs, to the right draw the tail.
  7. Usually, ears pikachu not placed in parallel. For this reason, the left ear is easy to direct upwards, and the right ear is placed horizontally.
  8. The image is detailed by tracing the characteristic cheeks and tips of the ears.

Using a pen with black paste, outline the image, highlight the eyes and the tips of the ears. Then the body, legs, head and tail are shaded in yellow, and the blush on the cheeks is painted in red or pink.

Sitting Pikachu

Using a similar principle of drawing, it is not difficult to depict a pokemon in a different pose. It is necessary to prepare in advance a sketchbook, eraser, sharpener, pencils and black pen for the outline:

  1. The first step will again be to detail the muzzle. Pikachu has a distinctive mouth, eyes with highlights, and a triangular nose.
  2. After working through each detail, go to the outline of the head. On the head once you have to portray the ears, pointing them in different directions.
  3. Under the head to draw the front paws, which leans sitting character. Particular attention should be paid to the toes, working on each of them.
  4. After that, you should draw the outline of the body and hind legs.
  5. On the right side, draw a long tail.
  6. Outline traced in black.
  7. The figure is painted, highlighting the tips of the ears in black.
  8. If desired, darker colors can be used to make shadows.

Using this technique, the pokémon can be depicted in any pose: lying, flying, jumping.

Pikachu in a cap

Fans of the animated series about pokemon remember that the main character wore a baseball cap. It is often portrayed as a pikachu as well.

Fans of the television series about Detective Pikachu are well familiar with the characteristic accessories of the detective. For this reason, it is interesting to draw Pikachu with a cap.

In order not to be distracted by trifles, you need to stock up on colored pencils, eraser, a sheet of A4 format, and a sharpener:

  1. Work begins with detailing the muzzle. Drawing the open mouth, nose and eyes, moving on to the contour of the head and body.
  2. Ears are recommended to direct in different directions, then put a baseball cap between them.
  3. The cap is not difficult to draw in the style of Detective Pikachu. It will be a small, brown color.
  4. Then it is necessary to draw front and hind paws, characteristic tail of the character.
  5. The outline is outlined with a pen and black paste.
  6. If desired, in a paw of the character can depict a magnifying glass.
  7. Drawing is colored, emphasizing the ruddy cheeks and accessories. Not to forget the black tips of the pokemon's ears.

If you replace the cap and magnifying glass with a baseball cap, it is logical to draw a balloon next to the character, which in the series was designed to accommodate pokémon.

In this case, the balloon and baseball cap will be done in a red and white color scheme.

Showing creativity, the cartoon character is not difficult to portray with a New Year's cap on his head near the ornate Christmas tree. The principle will be the same, only the details of the drawing will change.

A picture of drawn Pikachu

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