How to draw a train, subway and train carriages - a master class with step-by-step instructions

The railroad appeared a few centuries ago and then, it was simple wagons. But the mechanical train was invented and began to be widespread only at the beginning of the 19th century. It worked by means of steam, and therefore was called a steam train, or steam locomotive.

Many years have passed, and now there are a huge number of types of trains. Nowadays, one can also encounter underground trains running on electrified tracks - the subway - and trains of the future, which are able to float above the ground by means of magnetic repulsion from their own tracks.

Trains have also spread widely in animation. There is a large number of cartoons, the heroes of which they are.

Many children become interested in trains, and since kids are often very fond of drawing, you want to try to reproduce them on paper.

But that's how to draw a train, so it turned out to be beautiful and similar to the real? In this article, you can learn about several ways to draw a variety of types of trains.


What you will need

Before you get started, stock up on everything you need for the job:

  • A piece of paper with a drawing of a train on it;
  • A pencil;
  • A pencil sharpener in case they break or get blunt;
  • An eraser for correcting possible flaws and errors as well as sketch lines;
  • Colored pencils, paints, crayons, felt-tip pens, markers and other materials in a variety of colors to color the finished picture.

A simple train

Such a drawing can draw any kid, because there is absolutely nothing difficult. To begin, your child will need to tell that the train components are locomotive, which is pulling a train, as well as carriages, it just the same clinging.

Start drawing is with rectangles, indicating the locomotive itself and its cars. After that, you can begin to represent the wheels, consisting of circles, a window of the locomotive - a small rectangle, as well as windows carriages - a lot of small squares. Then it is necessary to indicate the roof.

Now that there is a sketch consisting of geometric shapes, it is worth adding details that add more resemblance. Proceed to draw:

  • The pipes of the locomotive;
  • Traced couplings that connect the locomotive and cars;
  • Railroad tracks on which the train moves.

In conclusion, you can draw in the windows of the driver and the passengers, as well as steam coming out of the tube. And, of course, paint the picture to make it look even better.

A Train with Carriages

This image can create every child, both older and younger. There is nothing complicated about it:

  1. First of all, begin to depict the shape of the locomotive itself. It consists of a rectangle, placed vertically, with rounded corners. Then indicate the roof transport;
  2. After that, you will need to add more details locomotive, to make it look more interesting;
  3. And now you need to start drawing carriages. First, a schematic sketch consisting of rectangles, squares, and circles is created. And then the fine details are drawn: windows, clutches, roof and the like;
  4. The last thing to think about the background, so that the picture looked more unusual and original. Well, and, of course, it is important to draw the railroad tracks;
  5. Now that everything is ready, you can paint the resulting color with any multi-colored materials.

Steam locomotive .

Here is a little instruction how to draw a steam train step by step.

By the way, it is not at all difficult to do, and a child can cope with it himself.

Here is what to do:

  1. Draw a blank for the future steam train. To do this, you will need to depict the main part, resembling an inverted letter "G", as well as the wheels and the lower part, which is right above them;
  2. Now it is necessary to work through this blank, gradually adding details, such as: pipe, roof, hitches, windows and everything else you want. This ends drawing a locomotive and now you can proceed to the carriages;
  3. Drawing cars is also not difficult at all. In shape they resemble rectangles and have a roof and wheels. There are two types of carriages: cargo and passenger. The latter will also need to draw a square window, stripes on the side and appropriate roof.

Steam train with cars.

Here, too, there is nothing difficult or crippling, so no problems should arise. To draw a steam train with cars, just follow these instructions and you will succeed:

  1. First, you will need to mark the entire workspace of the sheet, marking a horizontal line, as well as the vanishing point. This point will serve as the beginning of the two rays coming out of it at an acute angle;
  2. The two lines, parallel to each other, will have to serve as a marking of the reference point, where the locomotive will soon be applied;
  3. Now, from the vanishing point to the corners of the resulting rectangle is worth to spend rays, which will mark the perspective. And already it creates a sketch of the future image;
  4. Cars are separated by vertical lines, and then, from the vanishing point of dashed lines marked supports related to the main locomotive;
  5. The steam locomotive itself is created using the support lines marked earlier;
  6. After completing all the above steps, it is worth adding wheels to the train. Then all the necessary details are applied, and the background landscape and train tracks are drawn. At the end, the drawing can be painted to give it a stunning appearance.

High Speed Train

After learning how to draw high-speed trains using this sequence, in the future you can try to draw some other similar types of railroad transport, such as Peregrine Falcon, for example. To create such an image will require:

  1. Make a marking of the working space of a sheet of paper with a pair of crossed straight lines. A few corners are formed, and now you need to select one of them and outline the contour of the train and its front;
  2. The next action will be to mark the carriages, as between themselves, and the corresponding lines on the sides;
  3. Then it is necessary to trace them more precisely, as well as to add them windows and other necessary details;
  4. Next, it is necessary to draw the bottom and front of the train. That's all: the Peregrine Falcon is ready. It only remains to add more colors to the image, enliven it with color.

A passenger train

Children very often like to depict railway trains in their creations. It may seem difficult to reproduce something like this, but in fact, there is nothing difficult about drawing a train. To draw such a passenger train, you will need to do the following:

  1. Draw a steam train. It is easy, because its shape consists of known geometric shapes: rectangles and squares. Subsequently, it remains only to detail the train, adding wheels, front and cabin, which is located where the engineer;
  2. For the locomotive are cars, the number of which you can choose for yourself, as you please. Here, too, you need to add more details: wheels and windows. And then proceed to tracing the rails on which the train will go;
  3. To add a little more realism to the drawing, draw the railroad sleepers, steam coming from the transport tube and other elements, for which there is enough imagination;
  4. The drawing is ready. It remains only to paint the train with colored pencils, crayons, paints and other available materials.


This drawing is quite quick and easy if you follow these instructions:

  1. First of all, mark out the working surface of the paper, and then you can start sketching the locomotive;
  2. Next, start working out the front side of the train set. This includes the headlights and the lower part;
  3. From the vanishing point, draw a few rays, indicating also the carriages. They should trace the doors, windows and other elements;
  4. After that, again from this point, trace some rays to draw the road and the station platform. The electric train, which travels in the subway, is not separated from the station, which means you should pay more attention to it;
  5. At the very end, after all the above steps are done, you can think about the surroundings, carefully draw everything, and then paint the resulting creation.

Now you know how to draw a train and you can teach your child. When you draw together, you will get a lot of positive emotions and have fun.

Picture of a drawn train

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