Airplane crafts with their own hands: design ideas for children from paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, wood

Boys love to make different techniques. This includes airplanes. For crafts you can use a variety of materials, although making an airplane is not so easy.

Preschoolers need help in this business, but the boys of school age can cope with some options for crafts themselves. Airplane, made with their own hands, will be the pride of the boy and decorate his room. Also, the craft can surprise friends and classmates.


Airplane options

The craft can be made of cardboard and paper, and you can cut it out of wood or model it out of plastic. It is easiest to make an airplane out of plasticine, because this is the material that is easy to serve molding, and if something is not to your liking in the design, you can remake it without throwing away the material.

Cardboard and paper are not expensive materials and you can also take another sheet if there was a mistake in the calculations. But the plane of wood, plywood, plastic requires accurate calculations, because remake mistakes are difficult and sometimes impossible, and you have to take a new workpiece and start over.

Scopes of airplane crafts

Boys love to play with airplanes, and when their hangar is full of different models of aircraft, it becomes a kind of pride among his peers.

If the boy is engaged in a creative circle, then, too, crafts plane will be useful to him as an exhibition piece.

On the lessons of labor in school, too, may need skills in the manufacture of flying machines. In addition to all this boy's room will be transformed if it will stand on a shelf or hang from the ceiling airplane design.

Ideas for airplane crafts with their own hands

Options for airplane crafts are many. But someone wants to make just a beautiful design, and someone important is the flight qualities of the homemade machine. Therefore, we decided to offer your attention different models of planes that are made from different materials.

From the box

Such a design of an airplane will not fly, but it fits very nicely into the interior of a boy's room and you can put school supplies, books and notebooks in it:

  • We need to take a box of rectangular shape and cut off the top part. It will be useful for making a propeller, a tail and wings.
  • Topless box cut on two opposite sides in a semi-circle.
  • From the top of the trimmed box cut a screw and glue it to the front of the box.
  • Make wings out of cardboard and insert them into the slots in the sides of the box.
  • Cut out the tail for the plane and also insert it into the slit in the box at the back.
  • If the cardboard box is gray and you want a bright or shiny airplane, then the box can be laminated with colored paper or foil.


To make a paper airplane, you need a sheet from a school notebook or an office sheet. The paper should not have imperfections in the form of crumpling. Otherwise the plane will not fly well:

  • Fold the sheet in the middle lengthwise.
  • Bend both sides of the sheet so that the corners are formed as an envelope.
  • Fold the envelope down. Should have a space between the nose and the edge of the sheet.
  • Two corners from the top of the bend inward. They should fit together tightly, and from under them should be visible nose of the plane.
  • Nose bend upwards.
  • Bend in half design outward. Along with this bend and bend the nose of the aircraft.
  • Bend on each side of the wings.

Now you can try the airplane flight characteristics.

Aircraft from cardboard

Such a model can be made along the lines of an airplane from a box. And you can come up with your own design, because the craft is so called, that it is necessary to make an effort and to dream on a given topic.

If a child wants to play in the street with an airplane made of cardboard, you can make a large structure of thick cardboard, which will be put on through the legs, and the boy will feel like a real pilot at the steering wheel of the plane.

If such a construction is painted with green paint, it will be a warplane. Boys like to play war, and such a design will please the boy.

You can make a small plane out of cardboard, which will decorate the room or come in handy for an exhibition at school or at a club.

To do this, all the details of the plane are cut out of cardboard and glued. And the craft itself is colored or made of colored cardboard.

Landing gear can be made from a straw for drinks and glue the lid of a beverage bottle or large buttons.

From a plastic bottle

To make an airplane out of a plastic bottle, you need to prepare:

  • the bottle itself with a capacity of your choice;
  • a straw for drinks;
  • bottle caps;
  • cardboard;
  • acrylic paint;
  • PVA glue.


  • Cut out of cardboard details of the plane: propeller, tail and wings. Cover them with colored paper.
  • Cut out slots in the plastic bottle, where the parts will be inserted. For the wings, there should be two slits: one at the top and one at the bottom. For the tail, make three slits: one in the center and two on the sides of the tail part of the bottle.
  • Insert the screw under the cap on the neck and screw the cap on.
  • Make a landing gear out of beverage tubes and caps and attach it to the bottom of the plane.
  • The bottle can be left transparent, or you can glue it with colored paper and glue the windows in the cabin.


It is difficult for a child to make a construction out of wood. Therefore, he will need the help of adults:

  • First you need to find a template on the Internet and print it on paper.
  • Then cut out all parts for the plane from plywood, pressed sawdust or wood. Be sure to go over them with sandpaper to comb out all the thorns.
  • Glued parts with wood glue.
  • When the design dries, it can be painted or varnished.
  • Such an airplane, especially if it is made with the help of daddy, will please the boy for a long time.

From toilet paper sleeves

We need two toilet paper sleeves and one from paper towels. If you don't have a long one, you can glue two small ones together:

  • We glue the sleeves with different colored paper to make the plane bright or with foil, then it will be silver.
  • The long sleeve is placed in the middle, and the small ones are glued to the sides. To them glue the wings, which are cut out of cardboard. On the front of the hub glue a circle of cardboard and a screw on it.
  • The tail is glued to the back of the hub.
  • You can cut out a place for the pilot to sit in the middle of the hub. There you can sit toy people.
  • To the bottom of the hub glue landing gear, which is made from cardboard or plastic bottle caps.

Made from popsicle sticks and clothespins

A very simple and original airplane is made from clothespins and popsicle sticks:

  • We will need two large sticks for the wings, one small one for the tail and a clothespin.
  • On it we glue the wings at the bottom and top, and at the end of the attachment we glue a small stick perpendicular to the clothespin.
  • Now you can paint the plane with acrylic paint and write something on the wings or tail.

Features of airplanes

Boys like any model airplane. They try to understand each of them. Often they know all the characteristics of a particular aircraft. And they want to have such a design in their collection.

Therefore, the more types of aircraft a boy has, the more it gives him pleasure and helps him to understand all the models.

We will tell you how to make planes that fly and become flight leaders, as well as aircraft can be an assistant in saving money for pocket expenses or decorate the boy's room.


  • To make a flying airplane, you need to take a flat office sheet of paper.
  • On a flat, hard surface, fold the sheet in half lengthwise, and the resulting rectangle fold in half in width.
  • Now we will make wings. Fold the corners, so that the top corner of the rectangle superimposed on the bottom corner. Also fold and the second side.
  • The resulting corners to fold again and unbend to get a diamond.
  • Fold the center sheet and unbend the wings. Those that we have obtained a diamond to bend so that they looked up. This is important for the flight of the plane.

Now you can fly the plane, holding it in the middle.

Range leader

Far flies the airplane, made of paper with special folds. How to make such an airplane can be seen in the picture. It is made without a single drop of glue and weighting elements:

  • A sheet of paper is rolled in half.
  • Bend the paper so as to get the cover.
  • The whole construction should be bent with a ruler to give the folds a sharp shape.
  • Wings need to twist at the corners so that the plane will fly on.

Important! Sheet for the craft should be flat, and the folds are sharp. When you make a design, then try it on the range. Maybe your imagination will allow to make such a design that it will not only be unique, but will be different trajectory or speed.

Airplane piggy bank

The best way to make a piggy bank airplane is from a plastic bottle, but you can also take iron beverage cans. In the center of the bottle or jar make a cut for the size of the coins.

If a child can not do it by himself, he will need adult help. All other parts in the airplane are inserted into the slits on the sides and in the back of the bottle or can. The screw is glued to the front of the container or inserted under the lid.

The main thing in this design is capacity, but the aesthetic appearance is also important, because the piggy bank will serve for a long time. It is therefore desirable to make all details bright and conspicuous. The container itself can be left transparent, so you can see how many coins have collected in it.

Suspended airplane

Such a model can be made by yourself, or you can buy a construction set from which to collect the model.

For crafts you can take wooden skewers for meat. They are sold in stores and they make wooden, but light products. Their weight allows you to hang them from the ceiling and the construction looks great if coated with colorless varnish.

Put the skewers around a plastic bottle or tin can. Details are made of skewers, connecting them with glue.

Model airplane can be useful as a school, a creative circle, and for games, and to create a pleasant atmosphere in the boy's room. After all, in childhood they often dream of becoming a pilot.

To make a toy, you can spend a pleasant time together with your dad. The creative process together is memorable for a long time for children and parents.

You can take any material for crafts and try to make a unique flying machine out of it. Multicolored paper airplanes can be an interesting decoration for a boy's birthday party if they are hung around the room with balloons.

Photo ideas for children's crafts in the form of an airplane

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