Handmade crafts for March 8: master classes on making cards and flowers (96 photos)

Holidays always mean gifts. Anyone in the soul is happy when he accepts congratulations from close people. Gift ideas are different, but the most original are considered those that are created with their own hands.


March 8 themes

The famous women's day does not do without flowers, cards and various presents. Mothers receive from children handicrafts made from paper, plasticine and other handy materials. On March 8, women are not deprived of attention.

Men try to prepare something interesting, and children create an original gift to thank their mothers for her care, love and affection. On Mom's day there are many ideas for creating gifts, and made with their own hands are the most expensive.

Ideas for making flowers

When there is a question of what can be done on March 8, the first thing that comes to mind are flowers.

It has long been a tradition to give women flowers on March 8. But live plants fade after a while, but made ones will stand for a long time and please the eye.

Beautiful handicrafts can be created from different materials, showing all your imagination.


Flowers can be made of colored paper. The options are simple, and any child can do it:

  1. The original bouquet in a vase. Green sheet of cardboard is rolled into a tube and glued the ends. We get the shape of a cylinder - it will be a vase. The upper part of the blank is cut in the form of thin, sharp angles, similar to the grass. Leaflets are cut from colored green paper on a tone slightly different from the cardboard. Glue them to the surface of the cylinder from the outside. Blanks of the buds of colored paper glued to the stems. It turns out an interesting solution to the bouquet.
  2. Beautiful glade of paper and thin juice tubes. The base is made of egg cells, one strip is enough. It should be painted on top in green and make a hole for a tube. On red, yellow, blue paper draw a flower. Only their size is different. Then stack them on top of each other, you get a three-dimensional item. It is pierced in the middle and put on top of the tube. The tips of the plastic scissors cut along several times - these are the stamens. Green cut out leaf glued to the middle of the stem. Thus make four more flowers. Glade Cooking.

From the beads

An interesting gift for the Eighth of March will be a mimosa made of beads. To work you need to prepare:

  • Emerald and yellow beads;
  • thin copper wire;
  • green thread;
  • A cream jar or other small container;
  • The plaster which can be dissolved.

To make the flower, follow these steps:

  • On a wire 48 centimeters long, put 6 beads of yellow color, they should be placed in the center. Then twist under them a wire, making six turns.
  • Next do the same thing on each side of the wire twice. You will get five beaded circles.
  • On a twig continue to string six beads and make flowers. Ideally we get 13 pieces.
  • Next, we need to weave a leaf. On a wire 53 cm thread 6 green beads, leaving them in the middle.
  • Then the end of the basis pass through the beads, skipping the first one. The same manipulation is performed on each end of the wire. Should get a volumetric blank of the 11 elements.
  • It remains to assemble a bouquet, for which were made 7 sprigs of mimosa. Put them together, giving shape.
  • The lower base is twisted together for strength of design, and then tied with a green thread. Three leaves are also attached to the bouquet and twist.
  • Volumetric handicraft for March 8 will be ready when the mimosa is inserted into the prepared pot and filled with dissolved plaster.

The technique of quilling

Postcard made of flowers in this technique can be presented to a woman of any age. You will need:

  • colored paper (yellow, green, several shades of purple);
  • scissors and adhesive tape;
  • PVA glue and handy tools;
  • piece of cardboard.

Making a flower:

  • First you need to make the petals. From paper cut ribbons 0,5 cm wide, 20 cm long. Tape is twisted on a thin needle or nail. It turns out a tight twist (roll).
  • Fingers squeeze the resulting element from one end. Then loosen the roll, holding it in one hand, and with the fingers of the other hand pull the middle to the opposite edge. It turns out a drop.
  • Edge of the tape dabbed with glue and pressed. Such petals should be made 27 pieces of different purple colors.
  • 3 round rolls are made from yellow paper. This is the middle of the future flowers. On the table begin to collect bud: 3 petals of different shades are placed in a circle and glued together. Glued to the top of the heart. Further elements of the elements are mounted on cardboard.
  • Leaflets do the same, but the width of a strip of 3 mm and a green sheet of paper. The resulting droplets slightly bend, they should be 15 pieces. The stem is cut out of the same sheet.
  • Six strips of 4 cm, one rib glued to the flower, like the stem. The side of the bottom of the band glued another, on top of which in a circle arranged 5 petals.

From the buttons

Easy crafts for mom can make children from the usual buttons. First they must be assembled, the brighter and more varied the better:

  1. Making the stem. Cut a soft wire twice the length of the stem, because it will be bent in half. Pick up three buttons for each flower. Different sizes, so you can build a pyramid from larger to smaller.
  2. String three buttons on one wire, pulling them through both ears. Then connect the wire and twist under the buttons, making a stem. So with all the templates to do. Trim the ends of the stems with wire cutters.
  3. Just set the resulting flowers in an empty vase.

From multicolored napkins

If you want to please your mother with a bouquet of roses, then napkins are perfect. Only it is necessary to choose monochromatic colored, having good density. They hold their shape better. Then:

  • cut the napkin into two parts;
  • One part is rolled on a pencil, not reaching the end of 4 centimeters;
  • on the pencil to move the twist to the center on both sides.
  • carefully take out the pencil;
  • four or more such blanks should be made;
  • The bud is formed by twisting the resulting petals one after another;
  • The bottom part is tied with a ribbon;
  • You can tie a napkin of contrasting color under the flower, which will be instead of leaves.

Such a bouquet can be put in a vase or glass, or you can leave it near a plate.

Candy bouquet

The gift is both beautiful and delicious. A craft for a sister from tulips, which will not wilt in a day, will suit perfectly. Step by step performance of the work:

  1. Wire for floristics to cut the necessary size, this will be the stem. Bend the end with a loop and use a sticky tape to attach the candy. You can take Raphaello.
  2. Corrugated white paper is cut into strips 3 cm wide. Each divide into three parts.
  3. A small strip in the middle is cut a little bit to be thinner. Twisting it in the middle of a roll in half. The paper is slightly stretched.
  4. The resulting molds are placed around the candy, laying them on top of each other.
  5. The bottom is wrapped with string. One bud needs three of these blanks.
  6. On the two parts of a rectangular shape 3x10 cm green corrugated paper cut a leaf.
  7. Tape tape begin wrapping the bottom of the bud and the beginning of the stem. Then a leaf is attached to it and then taped over.

The resulting tulip is not much worse than the real one. Using the same pattern make a few flowers. Paper can also take a pink. Assemble the bouquet and wrap the paper or tie a beautiful ribbon.

From polymer clay

In a few minutes you can make beautiful polymer calla lilies. Such crafts can be made with children for March 8. The work is best done with gloves on. Two colors of clay will do, for example, white and blue. Two small sausages are made, which are twisted together and rolled into a ball:

  1. With a knife, cut it into two equal parts. Each piece is flattened to a rounded plate. The edges are slightly pulled out and pinched, with one side twisted like a cummerbund.
  2. The upper edge of the petal is corrected, giving the shape of an opening bud. The middle part is twisted out of yellow clay, and inserted into the resulting blank. The stem is made of green clay composition, on which the flower is placed.
  3. To have an original bouquet, the stems of each flower is made different length.
  4. Then assemble the bouquet: first the longest in the center, below two, then below three. Completes the row one short flower. At the bottom of all the stems are tied a few times a beautiful ribbon.


Pasta products are increasingly being used to create handicrafts. A bouquet of this product will look harmoniously on the kitchen table. A simple option would be dandelions, which can be made together with children.

The basis is rolled out of clay, choosing a different tone for each flower. Then thick macaroni ribbed on the outside are strung on the ball. The stem is a shish kebab stick. The resulting dandelions can be covered with colorless varnish.

The vase (any plastic or glass container) can also be decorated on the outside with macaroni products, gluing them with PVA.

From yarn

If you have a lot of leftover woolen threads at home, you can please your women for March 8 with flowers from yarn. Another version of a dandelion:

  • The stalk is twisted from corrugated paper of green color for stability inside should be a soft wire or a wooden skewer;
  • put the end of the stem to the side of a fork and begin to wrap yellow thread, the more, the more lush the flower will be;
  • The edge of the thread is tied;
  • the workpiece is attached to the stem vertically;
  • the free edge of the skein is cut, remove the fork;
  • scissors trim the ends.

The gift is ready, you can give.


For Women's Day prepared gifts contain the number 8. It can also be made from a variety of materials.

From felt

This material is often used in needlework, as it glues and stitches well and lies tightly. It is very easy to make a figure of eight. First, a template of paper is prepared, then circled on the felt and cut out.

You can decorate it with small flowers on top of another color. Such a handicraft can be a separate gift or an addition to other presentations.


The paper version of making a figure of eight is not complicated. It is enough to draw a figure of the required size, cut out of colored paper or cardboard. Then florets and leaves are glued to the surface. In the middle you can add rhinestones and beads. On the back is written congratulations.

Practical crafts for March 8

For a gift, you can sew soft toys with your own hands or create a useful thing. They can also be made from improvised materials.

Storage jar with needle case

The organizer with a pincushion is a useful thing for any housewife. Such a gift will be glad to all the female sex. What's needed:

  • A coffee can with a lid;
  • Moment glue, acetone;
  • One meter of lace, a square of 25 cm of fabric;
  • holofiber or sintepon;
  • cardboard.

Step by step work:

  1. Washed the paper from the jar, acetone cleaned from the glue. Then washed with warm soapy water and dried.
  2. On cardboard trace around the lid. This circle will be the basis for the needle case.
  3. Stuffing is put on the cut out cardboard circle, top covered with prepared cloth. The bottom of the design is covered, you get a pillow.
  4. On top of the cover smeared with glue and put the pillow cardboard side. Keep a couple of minutes for adhesion.
  5. The lid is wrapped with lace material, measured, and the excess is cut off. Then using glue the lace is glued to the side surface of the lid.
  6. The jar is also wrapped with fabric and glued.

Inside the jar, you can store buttons or other little things, and all the needles will be stuck on top of the needle.

A heart for storing little things

Often at home we have to look for scissors, glasses or other small items. Therefore, a gift for their storage would be just right. A simple option would be an organizer made of fabric. The step by step making of the heart:

  • On paper draw the halves of a heart one larger, the other smaller and cut out;
  • to cut out pockets in accordance with the size of hearts: the bottom one is triangular, the other three are heart-shaped, but of different heights
  • The fabric is selected striped dense, folded in half of it cut out two templates of a larger heart (mandatory allowances for seams);
  • green fabric is also folded and cut out of it hearts smaller;
  • from different scraps of material cut out templates of a pocket;
  • loops for the organizer are made from rectangular pieces of material by folding them and stitching them together;
  • the top of the pockets are hemmed;
  • pockets are attached to the smaller heart on top of the edges are overlaid ribbons, then everything is sewn;
  • then overlap the resulting piece on top of the front of the organizer and sew them together;
  • the prepared ribbons are sewn on top of the heart;
  • Then sew the details of the large elements together with the wrong side, leaving a little for turning them out.

Then turn out the organizer, stitch the hole, and straighten the resulting element. It remains to hang it on the wall and put small necessary things in it.

There are a lot of ideas for Eighth of March gifts. They are all interesting and original. The main thing is to have a desire to do something with your own hands.

Pictures of crafts on March 8

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